there are kittens in the nursery!
Voronezh, Zamkina str. / tel. 8 (910) 341-11-11

Knitting cannot be castrated!

Do you remember a similar phrase from the children's film "Execution cannot be pardoned"? From where you put a comma, the meaning changes. Also, depending on the punctuation marks in the title of this article, your lifestyle and relationship with the animal will change.
When buying a kitten, the breeder necessarily asks the buyer: do you take a kitten for breeding (breeding) or as a pet, "on the sofa". Someone has already solved this question for themselves. But many buyers have little idea of this very "breeding work". There are a lot of misconceptions and prejudices about breeding or castration of cats, especially among those who acquire a cat for the first time.

These are the typical mistakes:

1. Many believe that cats have estrus 2 times a year, like dogs, and are accompanied simply by increased sexual attraction to the opposite sex. With great amazement for myself, I found this information even in the veterinary passport of cats. Indeed, in cats living on the street, the sexual cycle is regulated by nature (the length of daylight, heat-cold, the ability to hunt more or less successfully). In such cats, estrus is rare, and they grow 1-2 litters per year. Domestic cats have created ideal conditions: they live in warmth, satiety, with constant lighting. Therefore, our favorites have "eternal spring" in their hearts, and they are ready to sing love songs up to 10-15 times a year with short breaks. This is especially true of oriental breeds, which also have loud shrill voices.

It is worth considering that many cats begin estrus from 5-6 months and before reaching childbearing age (10-15 months) are able to bring the owners to exhaustion. My friends' cat had a prolonged estrus for 2 months. All this time, they took turns carrying her in their arms at night to let the children and neighbors sleep. Of course, after the first birth, they sterilized their pet and now they will not get enough of the playful, good-natured and silent creature.

2. Castration of cats or sterilization of cats is definitely welcomed by experienced breeders and causes the most contradictory feelings among the "inexperienced". The main opponents of cat castration are men. Probably, out of male solidarity, they are trying to transfer their emotions to cats. At the same time, they forget that cats do not have a social perception of sex. Regulation of sexual desire in a cat occurs purely physiologically: there is a hormone – there is an instinct of reproduction, there is no hormone – there is no sexual desire. I.e., a cat wants a cat for exactly as long as it has male sex hormones (testosterone). The cat's lack of these hormones does not make him socially flawed, and the cat does not grieve that he can no longer mate.

Also, many people think that it is impossible to castrate a cat who has already had sexual experience. It is also a purely human approach: allegedly, he will remember how good it was for him and be upset that he "can't" anymore. I assure you that it will not, cats are engaged in "this" not for pleasure, but for procreation, it's just an instinct that is determined by hormones.

3. Many people believe that a cat needs to give birth at least once before sterilization to prevent some mysterious diseases in the future. Completely wrong. Much more diseases occur precisely as a result of mating, pregnancy and childbirth. The cat can be sterilized from 3 months. Both ovaries and uterus are removed immediately (both horns before bifurcation) This is a fairly simple and low-traumatic operation through a small incision on the side, requires minimal postoperative care.

You can remove the testicles of a cat from 2 months. Previously, there was an opinion that it was possible to castrate a cat only after puberty. At the moment, these data have been refuted. Studies have shown that with early castration, the growth of the genitals of the cat is not disturbed, and the overall physical development and growth are stronger than in non-castrates.

4. Another common mistake. The owners believe that it is enough for the cat to "go out" for a couple of months in the summer at the dacha, and these memories will be enough for him until next summer. Or it is enough to buy him a cat - girlfriend with whom he will have regular marital relations. Alas, alas ... a mature cat needs from 6-8 to 24 mating per year, depending on temperament. It is unlikely that you will be able to provide a cat with so many regular mating, if it is not a deeply valuable, imported, expensive super-duper manufacturer. And a cat-wife in such a situation will be an endlessly pregnant, exhausted creature. A chronically unsatisfied cat marks (pours urine) walls and furniture, screams loudly and often, loses weight, becomes nervous and aggressive. Are such animal torments worth the owner's pride for having 2 "balls" under the cat's tail?

However, the best argument in this thesis are the described shoes of the owner, a smelly soft headset and (God forbid!) bitten or scratched children.

5. Opponents of castration sometimes offer their cat for free mating, hoping that greedy cat owners will provide him with a massive influx of brides. Theoretically, this is an option. Only there are some doubts: if the owners of these cats spare $ 200 for the mating of their cat, then maybe they also spare money for full-fledged feeding, examination, vaccinations. Then there is a chance that these "free" cats may not be completely healthy and will infect your cat with something. By the way, the mating process itself is not quite aesthetic, accompanied by heart-rending cries of animals, and sometimes the destruction of the apartment.

6. Some owners try to avoid leaks by using hormonal contraceptives. Alas, these drugs are terribly harmful to health and can cause serious diseases: breast and uterine cancer, purulent inflammation of the uterus (pyometra), polycystic ovaries.

7. There is an opinion that the operations of castration of cats and sterilization of cats are extremely complex and can "kill" an animal. It can be answered that any treatment of cats in the hands of an unscrupulous veterinarian can cause harm. And if you perform an operation in a hospital with a qualified doctor, the risk is minimized. And it certainly does not exceed the risk of complicated childbirth, diseases acquired when mating with street or questionable animals, and injuries to cats in the battle for a cat in the country.

8. Someone believes that neutered animals become fat, lazy and uncommunicative. Absolutely not! If the cat was playful and affectionate before castration, he will remain so. Perhaps it will even get better, as it will lose its sexual dominant, eclipsing the whole world to it. However, the appetite of castrati really improves. But the problem of weight gain is easily solved by a special diet for castrates.


I hope the described picture did not turn out to be absolutely hopeless. For real BREEDERS, all these horrors are compensated by the great joy of the birth and rearing of interesting kittens. Kittens in the house cause a lot of positive emotions. And the exhibition successes of the born and bred "champions-winners" are often valued even higher than their own. In order to be a BREEDER, you need very little: your personal desire and the consent of the household, a lot of free time, a large apartment, readiness for serious financial investments, professional knowledge and great PATIENCE.

By purchasing an animal "for castration", you save money when buying, because cats "for a pillow" are much cheaper. You will not listen to the animal's screams during the hunting period. Your apartment will not "smell" of cat urine. Your cat will avoid fights and injuries in the country, and the cat will avoid possible problems during pregnancy and childbirth. Your animal will not get infected with any infectious disease from a sexual partner. You won't need to attach to who knows who or (even worse!) euthanize kittens in case of accidental pregnancy of a cat. So make an informed decision: a pet or a breeding animal and GOOD LUCK!

Marina Popova. HIBISCUS Nursery

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